Current trail work "weekly" schedule
Consider joining our "on-going" trail work groups listed below:
Friday Trail Work Group
- Hitting the Hot Spots!
Every Friday is a different location in need of a quick fix.
Come out and join this casual working group for good camaraderie and to get some needed trail work done.
Contact crew leader Paul@cccmb.org to join the email notification list.
Lopez Lake
Tuesday Trail Crew at Lopez Lake
Tuesday morning at 8:30AM January though May.
Meet at the ranger entrance station. Tools will be provided and volunteers can walk or ride their bike to the work site.
NOTE: Entrance fees will be waived for volunteers. For more information contact crew leader Eric:
New trail work schedule available
Consider joining our "on-going" trail work groups listed below:

Friday Trail Work Group
- Hitting the Hot Spots!
Every Friday is a different location in need of a quick fix.
Come out and join this casual working group for good camaraderie and to get some needed trail work done.
Contact crew leader Paul@cccmb.org to join the email notification list.
Lopez Lake
Tuesday Trail Crew at Lopez Lake
Tuesday morning at 8:30AM January though May.
Meet at the ranger entrance station. Tools will be provided and volunteers can walk or ride their bike to the work site.
NOTE: Entrance fees will be waived for volunteers. For more information contact crew leader Eric:
New trail work schedule available
Consider joining our "on-going" trail work groups listed below:

Friday Trail Work Group
- Hitting the Hot Spots!
Every Friday is a different location in need of a quick fix.
Come out and join this casual working group for good camaraderie and to get some needed trail work done.
Contact crew leader Paul@cccmb.org to join the email notification list.
Lopez Lake
Tuesday Trail Crew at Lopez Lake
Tuesday morning at 8:30AM January though May.
Meet at the ranger entrance station. Tools will be provided and volunteers can walk or ride their bike to the work site.
NOTE: Entrance fees will be waived for volunteers. For more information contact crew leader Eric:
CCCMB Calendar
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Our History
CCCMB began simply as a group of cyclists coming together out of concern about a proposed closing of one of the Central Coast's gems, Montaña de Oro State Park, to mountain bikes. In 1987, amid rumors about the impending closure, we met with State Park staff and volunteered to work to repair erosion problems thought to be associated with mountain bike use on the trails. Since that initial contact, we've expanded our volunteer efforts to include many levels of trail maintenance and construction. As a direct result of our work, trails are still open to cyclists at Montaña de Oro State Park and elsewhere in our region.
In 1989, we decided to organize formally as the Central Coast Concerned Mountain Bikers (CCCMB). We did so to support and affiliate with the fledgling International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) and to give ourselves a cohesive presence here on our Central Coast home. We follow land access issues and try to prevent problems from developing to the point of closure by working with land-managers and by offering positive suggestions and ideas.

CCCMB Super Bowl Sunday Trail Work Day
34 Years of Achievements.
2023 - CCCMB Fundraiser Morning Glory Wit Ale in collaboration with Antigua Brewing
Rerouting of portions of Cougar Trail at Lake Lopez.
John Cutter converted a standard mountain bike into a trail work e-bike named “Mini
Held fundraiser at Central Coast Brewing’s SLO Movie Night screening of the biking
documentary film “The Engine Inside.”
New CCCMB jerseys in collaboration with Voler.
Started development of concept plan with SLO County Parks on a new bike park in El Chorro Regional Park
CCCMB Blues Game Social Fundraiser
2022 - Completed a quarter mile trail at Camp Arroyo Grande.
Completed restoration of Turkey Ridge Trail at Lopez Lake.
Worked with the City of SLO to create the one mile Quercus Connector on the Miossi
Open Space.
Blues Game Social Fundraiser
Carrot Ride - joint equestrian and mountain biker ride and social.
2021 - Strava Dirt Lottery held in April
CCCMB received $5500 grant from REI.
CCCMB becomes a chapter member of CaMTB.
Tim Sawchuck memorial bench on Oats Peak Trail
2020 - Worked with the City of SLO to create the five mile Split Rock Trail at Whale Rock
Reservoir in Cayucos.
John Cutter created a custom fat tire trail work e-bike “Large Marge” and trailer to assist
with transporting tools and materials on trail work days.
Established electric service connection for the CCCMB clubhouse.
Received a $250 grant from the Clean Trail Initiative Program for trail work days.
Received a $8600 grant from REI for an extension of the trails and maintenance.
Worked with the City of SLO to create the one mile Panorama Trail on the West Cuesta ridge.
2019 - REI Grant $10,000
Used REI Grant to install two picnic tables and a tie rail on Canyon View in partnership with equestrian groups
Completed the new Canyon View Trail at MdO
Wilderness Input
Completed reroute of Duna Vista using cultural monitors for first time
CCCMB and other cyclists worked with FS to advocate for adoption of most popular Ridge trails as well as two new trails
FS initiates NEPA process focused on protecting resources by adopting some existing and new trails and gating the road above Shooters
Assisted SLO City rangers in flagging proposed new trail at Whale Rock reservoir
CCCMB volunteers worked __hrs in 2019
2018 - Poker Ride at Pismo Preserve
Fernandez Trail OHV Grant $10,000 complete NEPA analysis
FS announced it would begin a West Cuesta Ridge/Botanical Area public process
CCCMB volunteers worked __hrs in 2018
2017 - Received $20,000 OHV grant to complete NEPA on Fernandez Trail (to repair moto damage)
Met with FS to encourage pro-trail action on West Cuesta
Conducted a trail maintenance workshop taught by a professional trail builder (classroom and on site)
Organized the first CCCMB film festival
Advocated for appropriate after-dark hours of use for SLO City Open Space
Helped to construct the "M Trail" extension on San Luis Mountain as well as several short reroutes on Lemon Grove Loop
Proposed a new trail at MdO to Parks connecting Hazard Peak Trail with Reservoir Flats Trail and completed rough flagging
Continue working on Sapwi Trail
Consulted on proposed bike park in Arroyo Grande
Lobbied successfully to have a bike skills park, and a trailhead for access to West Cuesta Ridge included in the new master plan for El Chorro Regional Park
2016 - Completed the 11 mile trail system in the Pismo Preserve in 3 months (Jan. - March), with over 250 trail work volunteers
Began consulting with Santa Maria volunteers and Parks and Rec on trail system for Los Flores Ranch
Consulted on and helped build new trail in Arroyo grande Open Space
2015 - This year volunteers put in 9,072 hours of work on SLO County trails
Pismo Preserve Trail designed
Flagging of Pismo Preserve trails begun and completed
Continued work on Sapwi Trail
2014 - State Parks did a “change of use” allowing cyclists on the rerouted Oats Peak Trail. Opened it to cyclists and equestrians in March. It had been closed to cyclists since 1987.
Completed Wednesday Trail, aka: “Mine Loop Trail”, at Froom Ranch
Completed Old Prospector Trail (hiking only) at Froom Ranch
Completed rerouted “Mine Trail” at Irish Hills
Began construction of Ocean View Trail, aka: “Summit Trail”, at Froom Ranch
Donated over $11,000 (thru matching donations) to help acquire Pismo Preserve.
Began collaborating on Pismo Preserve trail designs with Land Conservancy of SLO County and others
Began process with State Parks of updating trails plan for Cerro Cabrillo
Elected new officers for the first time in about 20 years
CCCMB volunteers worked 5,345 hours in 2014
2013- Held second “Carrot Fest Weekend" for equestrians, hikers & cyclists at MdO
Completed construction in March of the rerouted Oats Peak Trail and the hiker only Valencia Peak Trail. Opened both to hikers.
Completed machine construction of Willow Springs Trail
Completed “Shutes and Ladders” Trail at Froom Ranch
Completed “Pond Loop Trail” at Froom Ranch
Morro Bay Bike Park accepted as a project of CCCMB
Began construction of Sapwi Trail at Santa Margarita Lake
CCCMB volunteers worked 7,498 hours in 2013
2012- Completed “Connector Trail” between Froom Ranch and Johnson Ranch
TrailWerks for Connector Trail had 150 volunteers report for duty in pouring rain.
Continued to support FASTA in creating new lines in the Eucs skills area.
Began construction of the new Oats Peak Trail.
Used a machine for the first time to build trail. Hired a professional trail builder to build Oats Peak Trail.
Began design process for Willow Springs Trail in the LPNF east of Santa Maria.
Built the Return Trail at the Eucs.
Completed 5% Trail at Froom Ranch – leading up from the creek.
Completed new Duna Vista Trail at Lopez Lake
Began process of extending Sapwi Trail at Santa Margarita Lake
Became an IMBA Chapter
CCCMB volunteers worked 6,784 hours in 2012
2011 - Supported FASTA in designing and constructing the first "technical" trail in the Eucs. It took 4 years to work through the process with SLO City and to do construction planning.
Designed the Return Trail at the Eucs and Elevator extension to connect with Return Trail
Designed and began construction of first trail on Froom Ranch
First CCCMB newsletter
First CCCMB Strategic Planning Session
2010 - Laid out new Oates Peak trail system (in hopes of getting trails this trail system open to bikes for first time since 1986)
Designed and began construction of new Duna Vista Trail extension at Lopez Lake
Hired Hillride to kickoff FASTA Project
Designed and completed construction of the Froom Connector Trail in Irish Hills Open Space (with record 150 volunteers)
Instituted bike bell program at Montana de Oro and SLO City trails
Initiated Crew Leader Training Program
Initiated Regional Representative Program for nine trail networks
Designed major reroutes of parts of East Boundary and Ridge Trails in Montana de Oro
Hosted first Carot Fest, an equestrian, hiker, biker trail ride at Montana de Oro
Helped host and organize the California Trails and Greenways Conference
CCCMB named SLO City's "Volunteer of the Year" acknowledging our years of cooperation and volunteer efforts
2009 - CCCMB was instrumental in the Freeride and Sustainable Trails Association (FASTA) being given conditional permission to create a freeride area on SLO City property
Instituted very successful capacity building effort in the following areas: education; website; volunteer recruitment; regional crew leaders; expanded Board, etc.
Johnson Ranch Trail completed (Phase I of II)
Elevator Trail completed
Trail Design Workshop with Karl Knapp
CCCMB volunteers recorded 4,017 hours of trail work in 2009-10
2008 - Flagging of Johnson Ranch begun
Hazard Peak Trail completed
FASTA founded and receives CCCMB's endorsement and support
State Parks asks CCCMB to identify a route for the new Coastal Trail to Avila
Begin to explore route possibilities for a trail around Santa Margarita Lake
CCCMB begins to increase club capacity to accommodate a raft of new trail projects
Third CCCMB jersey issued
2007 - CCCMB celebrated its 20th anniversary at the 20th Super Bowl Sunday Workday
Adopted new CCCMB Logo
Flagging of Elevator trail begun
First cut of SLO City’s “M” trail; "M" trail completed
SLO City asks CCCMB to help lay out trail system on Johnson Ranch
2006 - State Parks/CCCMB Trails School initiated
Spring Trail Werks MdO (started Hazard Peak Trail)
Fall Trail Werks (continue building Hazard Peak Trail)
CCCMB flexes its political muscle and helps get the County’s Trail Plan adopted
2005 - Rode the trails
2004 - IMBA Trail guru visit: Nate & Rachael
Iinvited to join the Forest Service’s Los Padres Trails Committee
Flagging of Hazard Peak Trail begun
Spring Trail Werks, MdO (finished East Boundary reroute)
Web site launched
Flagging of SLO City’s “M” trail begun
2003 - First Trail Werks, MdO (started East Boundary reroute) in spring
Prewitt Trail (twice-yearly work begins to make the 12 mile loop rideable)
Trail Werks, Irish Hills (built King Trail) in fall
2002 - Forest Service/CCCMB meeting to get West Cuesta Ridge Trails adopted
Meeting of Cuesta Ridge Alliance consisting of stakeholders (e.g., Poly, City, Forest Service, CCCMB)
Trail Daze, Cerra Cabrillo (major reroute of ridge) in spring
Trail Daze, Irish Hills (built Mariposa Trail) in fall
2001 - IMBA Trail guru visit: Joey Kline
Spring Trail Daze, Santa Margarita Lake (Sandstone Trail on north side of lake)
Fall Trail Daze, Santa Margarita Lake (completed Sandstone)
2000 - IMBA Trail guru visit: Curt Loheit
Spring Trail Daze, MdO (completed major reroute of Yedra Trail)
Fall Trail Daze, Santa Margarita Lake (completed Rocky’s Trail)
1999 - Spring Trail Daze, Santa Margarita Lake (start Rocky’s Trail)
Camatta Ranch Campout; Trail Daze, Fernandez Trail in fall
1998 - Cerro Alto reroutes flagged (completed 2005)
Spring Trail Daze, Cerro Alto
Rocky Canyon Trail in Atascadero (first official workday there)
Fall Trail Daze, Cerro Cabrillo
Second CCCMB jersey issued
1997 - First Chris King Trail Daze – Fernandez Trail in fall
First IMBA Trail guru visit: Curt Loheit
1996 - Morning Glory opened after first official CCCMB workday
Fernandez Trail officially adopted by CCCMB
Mules used to haul decomposed granite to top of East Boundary trying to solve mud issue
First Trail Worker of the Year Award
Worked at Lopez Lake for 1st time
1995 - First Wheelman Club participation on a work day
1994 - August Highway 41 fire burns entire West Cuesta Ridge and clears 80 years of brush
Began route finding for what would become Morning Glory Trail
1993 - SLOBC makes first of many annual contributions which helped us purchase the first tools, bike hang-tags and maps
Tour of La Panza
Shooters cleanup day (filled a pickup truck and a big stake-side with trash & broken glass)
Barranca Trail begun (completed in 1994)
First workday at Santa Margarita Lake
1992 - First official CCCMB meeting
First CCCMB jersey issued
Poly Canyon Road reopened (thanks to Dave Arndt & CCCMB)
Poly Canyon singletrack reopened in ’94
Crested Butte expedition
1991 - Joined SLO County Trails Committee
Poly Canyon closed to mountain bikes
1990 - Rode the trails
1989 - Joined IMBA one year after the founding of this important mountain bike advocacy group
CCCMB Board of Directors, circa 1989: Dave Arndt, Gary McBride, Dale Wilhelm, Deanna Steen, Dave Richardson, Ron Dexter, Greg & Mary Bettencourt, John & Christie Cutter
1998 - First Super Bowl Sunday, worked East Boundary
First newsletter
1987 - Decided to form CCCMB (fall)
1986 - Joined State Parks Trails Committee
Negotiated to keep MdO open to bikes
First informal workday (spring)